Attention everyone!
Attention everyone!
Today, December 21, 2020, at 23:15 Moscow time (please calculate the time in your own timezone), the Planetary Control System will be launching a program known as "Summing Up" within the framework of the Life Support System. The "summing up" (process) will end on December 26! This will be a very serious challenge for all people with regard to the genotype of their Brain. There is no need to be afraid. What needs to be done will be done by the New Control System. This process is expected and inevitable. The information is authentic, which is why it is being made public.
Recommendations: Set all Complexes SvetL
to 100% capacity. Other Program carriers, bracelets and pendants, should be worn at all times, until and including December 26.
Video Session-369 must be watched DAILY before bedtime or as needed in case of any deterioration in health. Monitor blood pressure and heart activity, especially for people over the age of 50.
Those who use Mumijo - take it without interruption until and including December 26. If you are in between sessions, resume taking Mumijo from 23:00 hours on December 21.
At some point on December 27, 2020, all SvetL Complexes should be completely rebooted in accordance with the User's Manual.
Feodor Shkrudnev