SvetL (SLN) Bracelet - Best Decision of My Life!
My wife, daughter, and I received our long-awaited SvetL (SLN) bracelets at the end of January 2014, activated them and placed them on our wrists.
My old dachshund dog Max lay on his bed in the hallway, indifferent to his surroundings, sometimes moaning from unbearable pain in his spine. A month earlier he had been diagnosed with a neurological disorder of the spinal cord. A rather expensive course of treatment had not brought any relief.
I walked past Max several times that day, and about three hours after I activated my bracelet, he got out of his bed and followed me, not lagging even a step behind. This is quite unusual for a half-dead dog. Now, all of a sudden my old dog was merrily waving his tail, and he even brought me the ball to play. I was stunned by such a dramatic change his state in just a few hours.
The resurrection of the dog was quite an emotional tsunami. Later, analyzing this situation, I came to the conclusion that my mind was preoccupied with thoughts about Max, and therefore the potential of the SvetL generator was directed primarily at him. Please note - I was the one wearing the SvetL bracelet, not the dog, yet he too received the benefits of the SvetL Programs.
That is the story of my dog, an incorruptible and objective judge of the effective power of the SvetL Technology. He dragged his hind legs a little for a couple more weeks, but afterwards, he seemed to be healed and healthy.
Within the first few days after initiating the SvetL Generator bracelet, my vision began to deteriorate. It was like looking through a haze, especially when I was at the computer screen. I realized that my body had begun expelling toxins accumulated over my life-time, and that this was causing the problem with my vision. It was unpleasant, but that is just a side effect that proves the action of healing. Toxins can be dispelled on all fronts: through the eyes, nose, throat, skin, and other bodily discharges.
I soon began to have calm and colorful dreams, not burdened with negative emotions, and I got relief from chronic fatigue syndrome. Now I wake up in the mornings feeling fresh and well-rested, even if I go to bed late.
One more effect we noticed is the growth of flowers on our window sills. They are are unusually magnificent!
I continue to experience the effects of the SvetL generator. Some of them are of a private nature, so I will not describe them here. Undoubtedly, there are also other effects that I have not noticed yet, or forgot to describe here.
It amazes me that dogs seem to sense, feel and see the impact of SvetL Technology so easily and immediately, yet we people cannot. It is as if we are asleep in our minds. We should want to shake off this slumber, and wake up and become free men again, so that we too can sense, see and feel everything no less than the dogs can!
My best to all of you who have decided to take charge of their own destinies and live happily ever after!
Truly yours,
Kutishhev V.