Prostate cancer gone!


What you do is all that matters.

To many the word “cancer” causes a sharp, oppressive feeling of fear and hopelessness. The treatment is almost the same in every country - to destroy the neoplasm and everything around it. The methods are rather primitive - cut out, burn with radiation, or poison with chemicals. The consequences of each option are inconceivably destructive for the human body.


One of the most popular and effective methods of cancer treatment, including the early stages, in modern medicine is radiation therapy, which consists of X-rays of very high concentration. The cells under its influence either die or lose the ability to divide. The area to be irradiated is determined by the doctor, and the doctor knows that if even one cancer cell survives, there will be a relapse. So he enlarges the area that is being irradiated. Healthy tissues between the irradiator and the neoplasm, of course, are susceptible to destruction as well.

Complications may develop a few hours to a few days, and up to six months or even later after treatment. Radiation therapy can trigger the development of irreversible processes in the body, such as an increase in the production of pigment in the skin, as a result of which skin becomes quite vulnerable, requires special treatment, and is easily injured. Lesions of the esophagus happen after the treatment of breast tumors. Radiation therapy for cervical cancer often leads to the development of cystitis and damage to the large intestine. Men often suffer from erectile dysfunction after radiotherapy, and the number of sperm cells decreases sharply. In addition, such treatment may provoke the development of tissue necrosis, atrophy of internal organs, and fistulas. While undergoing such treatment, people experience loss of appetite, mood swings, increased irritability, drowsiness, fatigue, depression, and other unpleasant symptoms. There is a sharp decrease in white and red bloodcell counts, which leads to an increased susceptibility to various infectious agents. Among the complications associated with radiation therapy are fibrosis, hair loss, possibility for another type of cancer (treatment can cause the development of secondary tumors anywhere in the body), or even death (observed with concomitant heart disease). 

Such savage, cruel, and ineffective treatment methods are quite consistent with the modern understanding of the nature of cancer. Any “unconventional” options for curing cancer are met with strong opposition and are ridiculed by medical personnel. The ignorance of the medical profession, along with the practice and laws of the healthcare system lead to blatant rejection of any new discoveries in treatments or techniques.  I very well understand why it is so. Money! 

So-called “folk remedies” are widely available, do not require any medical license or equipment, cost just a fraction of any “conventional” treatment, and are not harmful to the human organism.


So let me share with you a brief history of our wonderful experience with Levashov Technology.


At the age of 77, my father-in-law was diagnosed with the prostate cancer. 

Cancer was found in 2 biopsy specimens from the right lobe of the prostate; adenocarcinoma structures were found in 3 points on the Gleason scale. Gleason sum 3 + 3 = 6. The Gleason Scale / Sum is used to describe the malignancy of a tumor detected by a prostate biopsy. The higher the Gleason score, the more aggressive / malignant the tumor tissue. 

Almost all malignant tumors of the prostate gland (91%) are detected before they spread beyond the prostate gland. If a tumor is detected at this stage, in 99% of cases, patients can live for at least another 5 years. However, the survival prognosis worsens if the tumor metastases to other organs. It was for this reason that my father-in-law was sent for numerous tests, which revealed the absence of metastases in the abdominal and chest cavities, pelvic bones and the spine. There were problems of a slightly different nature, but no cancer tentacles were found. However, the biopsy revealed the presence of malignant tumors in the prostate tissue. 

Reflecting on what our family now had to go through, I felt, on one hand, the complete hopelessness of the situation. Yet, on the other hand, a bright and persistent ray of hope shone in my mind, thanks to my study of the books of our Russian scientists, Nicolai Levashov and Alexandr Khatybov, and the programmable SvetL (SLN) Device Technology, which I purchased in January 2013. 

After the passing of Nicolai Levashov and Aleksandr Khatybov, the "Russian Scientific and Technical Society" (RNTO in Russia) continues producing SvetL Technologies. It is an organization of talented researchers who know no boundaries in their own development, and are persistently moving forward to create new Technologies for the good of Humanity, not for the sake of monetary gain. They agreed to assist my father-in-law in overcoming cancer. 

On June 11, 2013, a certain manipulation was carried out to stimulate my father-in-law's brain. The main action was related to the urgent removal of toxins, and the destruction and elimination of alien cells. In fact, a “dome” was created covering almost the whole city of Irkutsk and acting not only on my father-in-law, but also on other men with similar symptoms, but in a less active mode. A warning was given to us about the impending purifying of the body, which would consist of diarrhea and possible discharges of accumulated toxins and remnants of destroyed cells in the form of vomiting, eye discharge, runny nose or rashes. We were urged to have my father-in-law drink programmed spring water, and keep a diary, recording everything that was happening. 

The diarrhea began on June 13th. From that day on, the detoxifying process was avalanche-like and gave my father-in-law some troubles. On June 14th, severe eye discharge began, and the diarrhea continued for the next three days. My usually very calm and balanced father-in-law cursed as he ran to the toilet, and raged about the “experiments” being conducted on him. A half-cup of programmed water in the evening was enough for a sleepless night and frequent visits to the toilet. However, he continued regularly drinking the prescribed programmed water twice a day. By the end of July, his state had returned to normal. 

On July 23rd, the urologist prescribed radiation therapy treatment.  I consulted with the RNTO member conducting the healing sessions, and advised my father-in-law not to take the radiation treatment. He agreed with that recommendation. And so, the result of restoring his health is entirely the work of the processes targeted by the RNTO researchers, without any medication. 

We were given another recommendation - to have my father-in-law drink an infusion of birch leaves until August 31. The birch leaf tea brought on mucus discharge and daytime drowsiness. Later, purifying diarrhea occurred about once a week. My father-in-law began to treat the reaction of his organism more tolerantly, and with a certain satisfaction of the results. 

By September, my father-in-law’ state of health had changed. All tedious and often demeaning medical examinations had been completed, and he filled his free time with vigorous activities in the garden! The schedule of my father-in-law’ day had also changed - he used to go to bed long after midnight and get up very late, around 10 or even 11 am. But now he began to go to bed and get up earlier. 

SvetL Bracelet and the result 

On October 28, 2013, we purchased the SvetL bracelet for my father-in-law. I had no doubt that he would wear it - he wears it day and night, and takes care of it. A day after the initiation of the bracelet, he again developed diarrhea. We decided it was time to re-examine for the presence of cancer, repeat the biopsy to make sure that the treatment brought -or did not bring- positive results. 

Our family saw a huge improvement in his appearance and attitude, from being silent old man with a dull gaze into a vigorous, talkative and bright person with bright eyes. And we wanted to document these changes and improvements to show other people abilities of SvetL Technologies, and the possibility of getting rid of really serious, fatal ailments without any modern crippling medical care. 

We met with the doctor. He had a process in his mind: 1) the patient fell ill - 2) went to the clinic - 3) cancer suspected - 4) the patient was tested - 5) was sent for a biopsy - 6) biopsy confirmed cancer - 7) the patient was prescribed treatment - 8) the patient underwent treatment … 

Wait! The treatment was prescribed, but the patient did not show up for treatment. The doctor told me, “this is not a cold to behave like this, let him undergo the treatment.” He refused to do a biopsy based on his assumption that without treatment, the analysis will show the presence of cancer cells! It made no sense to him to repeat the biopsy! 

So, it turned out that it was not easy to get a referral for analysis. However once we did, my father-in-law  passed the tests with honor and pleased me with a long-awaited piece of paper with the results of the analysis of December 5, 2013 – there was no cancer found! 

The majority of people blindly trust modern medicine, sometimes to their detriment. We did not! And we are very pleased with the results. Over the past year I was lucky to be a witness and, to some limited extent, a participant in the process of recovery of a person with cancer. In this case, no medical intervention was performed - the radiation therapy treatment was not carried out. My father-in-law had no personal contact with the RSTS (RNTO) person who was REMOTELY treating / affecting his body purification, from a few thousand miles away! The only "treatment" my father-in-law received was SvetL bracelet programmed spring water from the spring closest to the house, and birch leaf infusion for several weeks. 

During the same year, one of my relatives died of cancer while receiving help at an official medical facility. He was offered to use alternative methods of treatment, but he refused because he considered the price of such assistance (the cost of the SvetL Device, ie, 70,000 rubles) to be too high. One of my colleagues was found to be cancerous after appealing to an official medical institution for stomach pains - a surgical intervention to eliminate the ulcer showed an extensive cancer lesion. Ulcer surgery ended with the removal of the stomach. Another colleague lost his 18-year old daughter in a matter of days due to blood cancer. Doctors were not only powerless, they were USELESS. It is obvious that the medical assistance currently provided to people with cancer is too ephemeral and is often ineffective, despite the seeming effectiveness of the methods based on the processes of destruction. 

Destruction - the basis of not only modern methods of medical treatment, but also of modern civilization can, should, and will be changed to creation. And it will manifest itself in everything - from the methods and approaches of restoring people's health to the renewal of our Mother Earth. 


I am grateful to you, reader, for your patience while reading my perhaps-too-long story, but I really wanted to convey to you what happened before my eyes, so you can understand my point of view. 

Through this experience it has become clear to me that without moving forward, we will never improve our life and never get out of the vicious circle in which all of us, in due time, are driven outside of our will. And no money, political parties, or leaders will help. This can be solved and is already solved only through the application of technologies based on new knowledge, about which "modern science" has no idea. 

I deliberately went on this “experiment” with my father-in-law, and I received his permission to write about it openly. When a year ago I asked Feodor Shkrudnev for help with our problem, he explained what would be realized and what I should do. He warned me that this would be told only by results and in due time. Now is the time. The test of remote application (from St. Petersburg to Irkutsk) of one of the SvetL programs, as I have already explained, in point-to-point applications for a specific person, with the fulfillment of a specific task, with constant exposure and control over the processes taking place, proved successful. In my eyes, this fairy tale was turned into reality. For the SvetL Programs, distances and obstacles do not exist. 

I would be grateful to everyone who read my story for a discussion, feedback, or questions, if any. 

Daria Kuznetsova



Rene Allen